Instantly trigger any feeling you want


This method is used in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) to instantly trigger any feeling you wish to feel, it takes just 2 minutes of your time.

By doing this method you can trigger a happy feeling or a feeling of confidence or any other feeling that you desire.

Relax for a moment. In your mind think of a time when you felt really happy (or any feeling you wish to feel now). Bring that feeling back, think about it in details. What exactly were you doing at the time, how did it feel like. Remember that specific time. Picture it in your mind in as many details as possible. Once you are in that space double the feeling.

Then double that feeling again, have it spread through your whole body. Up down left right, make the feeling strong. Make the feeling big like a huge 20 story building. You can visualize this. Feel how this feeling is circulating inside of you. Notice how you feel now?

This is a natural way to trigger and bring up any feeling you desire to feel.

Have Fun.

Crossing Over Part 3



Before we jump into the process I would like to express that I am not a Grief Counselor. The information that is given here is from my own spiritual guidance, perspective, and experience. All of the tools that I give to people are always what I use myself on my own journey. The following information is not a cure or a quick fix. Please take responsibility for your own choices. Take whatever resonates with you and disregard the rest. Thank you for understanding.

As I mentioned in part 2, everyone is connected to us through the energy centers. We always exchange energy with one another. Once a person crosses over they unplug from your physical, emotional bodies. That is why there is an enormous pain. Energy no longer circulates.

In order to repair the rift of energy, the next step would be to take out the energy cords that were connected to the person who left. Sounds complicated right? Not really! Since we always have a connection to the Prime Creator we just ask to help us with the process. Let’s get to it.

Just read the text and the process will start automatically. I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head, spread your energy down my spine and into my feet. Please fill me with your love now. Then wait a little bit for the process to start. Prime Creator please take out, disconnect all of the energy cords that were connected between me and (name of the person that crossed) on all levels of my being. Heal the rift of energy and soothe my inner pain. Please help me with the process, I have no power or energy to do this without you. Use your power of Love and heal me now. Then wait for the process to start. This might make you emotional or hot, everyone responds differently. Some people do not feel anything as well. The process always happens regardless of how we perceive it. Once the process is done (might take a couple of minutes) you will feel more peaceful.

Before I give you the next exercise please understand one thing. We are “only” humans so it is natural to feel all of the emotions, never suppress them. If you want to cry, do it. That is a form of release. Just do not blame anyone or yourself for their exit home. The grieving process takes years. There is nothing we can do to get them back on a physical level. Since we only know this world, it is understandable that we want them here physically. That is the most common desire. We miss their human body. Their hugs, kisses, words. This is all a physical level. When I say that your loved ones are fine, the first emotional reaction is a conflict because how can they be fine if they are not here? Yes, the body is not here any longer. Their Soul crosses back home.

Knowing what you already know from the previous articles it is clear that they are in a different form. A Spirit that is filled with love understanding and compassion. Even if these people were unpleasant when they were alive. In the spirit world, ego does not exist. There are no masks no demands. It is time to accept the obvious. The event already happened, they crossed over and now it is time to start healing on this side of the veil. Give yourself permission to ease that pain. Take a deep breath and carry on. Life will continue. Question is, are you ready to move forward or not? Do everything you can to release the pain. Most of the time we do not let them go with our emotions, we hold them in our mind, heart, and body. That is why the next exercise will be a release of that attachment.

The next step would be an energy work with the loved one who crossed over. If you are not comfortable yet to do this as a next step, that is OK. Come back to it when you feel you are ready.

First, you have to connect to the Prime Creator by saying I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head, spread your energy down my spine and into my feet. Please fill me with your love now. Then wait a little bit for the process to start.

Imagine a big gold ball of light appears in front of you. Step inside of it. Now Imagine that inside that gold ball of light your loved one appears as well. Call them in.

Express everything that you want to tell them. When you are done telling them everything you wanted, imagine that all of your pain, negative emotions and everything that is associated with this person fills up the gold ball with dark light. Let all of your “stuff” fill up inside the ball. Now say, I ask Prime Creator to take all of the darkness that is inside of this ball and transform it into love. Heal my pain, struggle and clear all of the attachments now. Then wait a little bit for the process to start. Do not hold any emotions at this point. Release everything.

Now, express your gratitude for the lessons and time spent together with the loved one, that is standing in front of you inside of the gold ball. Then say, from this moment forward I release you from my emotions, heart, mind, body and all of my energy. I no longer wish to feel the hurt of your loss. I know you are OK now. Thank you for being with me in this lifetime. I love you very much. Now, take all of your energy back into yourself, release all of my energy back to me, disconnect from me now and fully leave my space. Go back to where you belong now. I ask Prime Creator to help us with this process. Then imagine Prime Creator taking your loved one and they both disappear from the gold ball. You are now standing there alone. At ease, calm, peaceful.

Take a deep cleansing breath and focus on your whole being. How do you feel? What has changed? Scan your body notice everything.

This process helps you to release energy, emotions, and pain. You can repeat the exercise as many times as you wish. Each time the effect will be different.

Although this is not a cure or a quick fix, it will help you cope better. Remember we are here for a limited time. Enjoy it as much as you possibly can. Express your love to your loved ones who are here now, living, so you don’t ever have to feel guilty once they are ready to go home as well. Every day is an opportunity to shine. Please remember that always.

This concludes the series of Crossing Over articles.
I hope this helps.



Crossing Over Part 2


Everyone is connected to us through the energy centers. We always exchange energy with one another. Once a person crosses over they unplug from your physical, emotional bodies. That is why there is an enormous pain. Energy no longer circulates. The shock that is happening on the emotional level is also happening energetically. This shock lasts for a while then it numbs down. It never goes away unless you heal it. In our minds, we lost the person and that’s it. Naturally, it is an unpleasant experience no matter how you look at it. Then we start to make up stories in our minds with silly thoughts of how we could have done more, etc. If we did not have an opportunity to say goodbye, we think that the person who crossed over is mad and upset. When in reality you can only do as much as you can. There is no need for them to hear or say goodbye, they just go to the next dimension and can contact you from there. The loop continues unless you break it. Guilt slowly progresses into anger. We blame the person, how and why could they do this to us? Then we blame God, why did he take the person from us? It is a very uncomfortable state of mind. In reality, no one did anything to you. A person who crossed over has their own blueprint and leaves when they are done with their journey. God does not take anyone, the evolution of the Spirit is a natural process. We come here on this Earth alone and when the time is up, leave alone. We shed our space suit and go home. Earth is a temporary playground, with lot’s of fun and not so fun experiences.

Some people do not even believe that Spirit lives on and exists in another dimension. We are so limited with our programming that at times it is scary. Many people are programmed with different programs. As I learned, belief makes no difference. Spirit lives on, whether we believe in this or not. The loved one or friends that crossed over are now behind the veil going through their own spiritual process. How can we have contact with them if they are not here as we recognize them? That is the usual question from people who are a little curious about the afterlife process. If you are one of them, keep reading!

The contact can happen instantly the only issue is us here, on this side of the veil. Since we are emotional and upset that energy blocks the contact. It’s as if you put on yourself a dark thick bag. Nothing can come through it. That is why your loved ones are trying different methods to come through. To let you know they are ok now. Since they are pure energy now, they can affect electrical devices. Phones, lights, doorbells. You have no idea how many times while I was doing a session with a person, the doorbell rang, the light flickered. Now, that does not mean if there is an issue with electricity it is always them. It is a very subtle thing, once it happens you will get either a feeling or a memory about the person. Why? Because they cover you with their energy and send those thoughts and feelings into your head. A lot of times they also like to be in your pictures. If you see an orb of light, like a shiny ball in your pictures, that be them. Search google to see what I mean. Sometimes they also use animals, they send energy to them so the animal is in your face so to say. For instance, birds, butterflies. Your dog might be going wild since they see energy. Cat’s act weird too. The same idea when this happens, you will get a memory or a feeling.

People who crossed over also come into your dreams but only when you are not upset as much as before. In the dreams, they express themselves as they would when they were alive. Some people get afraid or freak out, thinking they want YOU to come to them. No worries, you only leave this Earth when your time is up.

There is a way to communicate with them, you just need to understand the process. First, you must shield your energy. Imagine you stepped inside a gold bubble of light. This serves as protection from trickster spirits. Then you imagine that you are walking inside an elevator and going up on the roof. This is how you raise your energy. Then you call them in. Also, if you are more comfortable it can be done with a picture or just call them into meditation.

This is how this works, they speak through memories and feelings. Sometimes through thoughts. That is how I communicate with Spirit. Since it’s a little challenging to understand how the thought process works, just stick to emotions and memories. When you call them in first say: ”Please send me energy on my body so I know you are here.” I usually say to my father to send me energy on my hair, it immediately starts to tingle. I keep asking to send more energy until it literally gets itchy. You can also tell them to send energy to a specific part of your body. Basically, there is an energy shift. You might feel hot, tingly.

Once you get the connection it is time to talk. It sounds a little “out there”, only because no one teaches us how the process works. Once you are done with communication you have to disconnect. Thank them for showing up and just say “I fully disconnect now, please take all of your energy back into yourself and release all of my energy back to me. Leave my space now and go where you came from”. If you are not comfortable with this process just don’t do it. Everything is a choice in our world.

Sometimes they connect randomly to us. Out of nowhere, you will have a thought, a memory with a feeling of them. Just know they are with you at that moment, saying hello. Your loved ones see/know what’s happening in your life simply because their perception is different now. That does not mean they see you in a shower! So don’t freak out! They only see you on a spiritual level. Another cool thing is since a Spirit has no physical form they can be in many places at once. Meaning your grandmother can be with you in your car, with your mother at her job and with her husband at his house at the same time. Isn’t that cool? I think so!

Lastly, I would like to clear something up. We think that if a person is already on the other side they now can guide us or look over us. We call them our Angels etc. This is not correct. Even if they are on the other side that does not mean they are suddenly all-knowing beings. Your loved ones are still in a space of growth. Therefore when a client would ask me “What does my grandmother think about my new boyfriend?” her answer would be pretty earthly. I always suggest asking guidance from your own Spirit, since it has your blueprint and knows what kind of lessons you have to go through. At times it would be too long to explain to the client that grandma has no idea. In reality, I am asking their own Spirit for guidance.

Please also realize there is no way for them to look over you, this is our limited understanding. They do not speak to God and ask for you to win the lottery. This is all silly. Spiritual beings do not care about our earthly challenges. You might get a warning through a dream only if it is necessary on your path. It would be from your own Spirit taking a form of your loved one so you would accept it faster.

Now that you have a bigger picture, perhaps this will show you that although your loved ones are no longer in a physical body, they are still around.

In Part 3 I will describe how to heal and release the trauma of losing a loved one. Although the rift is deep there are tools to help ease this uncomfortable experience.

Part 3


Grief Healing


Crossing Over Part 1

This subject is very sensitive. A lot of people are going through this. Our loved ones go home. Leave their physical body here on Earth and transition to the other realm, where we reside as Souls. At times it happens so suddenly that we don’t even have a chance to say goodbye. I myself went through this so I am not just expressing a hypothetical scenario here. We are left here heartbroken and with a very deep emotional trauma. Since I was practicing mediumship before, I had a lot of clients who wanted to connect with their loved ones on the other side. The reason I stopped that practice is because it was very draining for me. You can find that article using the search function of this group. The title is Mediumship.

Everyone pretty much wanted to know answers to a lot of questions. For example, did their loved one suffer? Do they suffer now? What are they doing over there? Did they meet their loved ones who crossed before them? How about pets? Since there is no way for us to contact them using our regular senses it is hard to really know what’s happening “over there”.

I will describe the transition process of a Soul. This information is based on my own experience through mediumship readings with clients. Also, when my father and other relatives crossed over to the other side.

*Please understand this view has nothing to do with any Religions since I do not follow any of them by personal choice.

When a person takes their last breath the physical body stops functioning. There is a lot of information about how the physical body breaks down and pretty much nothing about the energy part. The transitional process starts about three days before the last physical breath. The aura of a person starts to collapse, all energy bodies start disconnecting from the physical vessel. That is why it takes more than one day. Although we think that it’s a quick process. It’s not. When the energy process is over the Soul can leave the body fully. Sometimes Soul goes in and out of the body throughout the whole process. Especially if there is a sudden car accident or a very painful disease or traumatic event. Once the Soul is out, there is no pain. A physical body might be suffering as an organism but the Soul will never experience any pain. It disconnects from the nervous system. This is the answer for people who ask if their loved ones feel the pain. They don’t. Not one spirit who I connected with, said they experienced pain.

Once the energy starts to break down, loved ones who crossed over before the person who is about to leave arrives. This I observed with my own Grandmother. We were at the hospital and by her bed, I saw her father who passed long ago. Right there and then I knew she is about to transition. Pretty uncomfortable feeling but it is not in our hands. On the day of the passing Soul fully disconnects and is greeted by their relatives and pets. This process makes them feel comfortable and at ease. By this time they still act like a human being who was just in a body a minute ago. Then they disappear for a short moment of our time perception. During the funeral they are with us, sometimes Soul hangs out for a couple of days. It all depends on them. While we are sitting in a shock they are by our side. Sometimes hugging us, which makes your emotions feel even wilder and not in a good way either.

There are a lot of belief systems that are suggesting that you can’t connect or communicate with them right away. In my experience, this was totally false. The connection happened instantly. My father’s Soul came to me as soon as he passed. We were driving to the Hospital to him. His nurse called and said to come as fast as we can to say goodbye. He showed up in my car 30 minutes before we arrived at the Hospital. I remember the song that played on the radio at the time, “Thanks for the memories by Fall Out Boy.”, while he was saying that all is ok he is not in a physical body any longer. Crazy experience…

Once they fully cross over, there is a process they go through, which is called a life review. If you can imagine watching your life second by second. Only it’s an enhanced version where you feel, understand how, what other people felt when you created discomfort for them. Whether it’s an emotional one or a physical one it doesn’t matter. You will feel how everyone felt at the time. That is why you get a new realization of how you acted. There is no judgment, this process is a pure loving experience. You connect the dots yourself, as a conscious Soul. No one punishes you. Everything you lived through life is a lesson and an experience.

This subject is very long and deep. If you are curious and want to find out more information about it, I suggest reading two books about it. You will find them here: can order it through Amazon or even get it in your local library. Book 1-Journey of Souls, Book 2-Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton.

In part two I will describe what happens energetically on our side of the veil and how our loved ones communicate with us.

Part 2

Ayahuasca Part

Part 1


What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a brew from the Amazon that is traditionally mixed of Chacruna(DMT) and Caapi(MAOI). Over time, people started experimenting with the ingredients and found that Mimosa(DMT) and Harmala(MAOI) is the most potent and smooth trip if used correctly. Used for over 5000 years by the shaman healers-teachers Ayahuasqueros as a way for the expansion of consciousness (Soul). And now it is used in Peru to help drug addicts and a substitute for antidepressant pills. It is also a Spiritual experience that takes you on a journey of healing, realization, and exploration of self.

The Reality of Truth (2017 Ayahuasca Documentary)
The Reality Of Truth – Full Film

*Warning* By making this post I am not advertising Ayahuasca or suggesting that this is what one needs to grow spiritually. All I am doing is describing/sharing my own experience. What you do with this information is your own choice.
Let me start by saying that I have never done any drugs or hallucinogens in my life, never smoked. I don’t judge anyone who does it, it is just my personal choice not to do it.

I heard about hallucinogens while doing research about spiritual paths. People use different kinds to dive deeper into themselves and get different experiences. It was also described in all of the books of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. (yep read those as well, don’t we all). For many years I kept going back to this idea. Until recently Ayahuasca showed up. My wife came up to me and said let’s do Ayahuasca! To which I said not my thing but that triggered something and I started to do research about it. I always do research before doing anything, knowledge is power.

On the internet there are tons of material about ayahuasca, so I watched a couple of documentaries read through personal blogs and peoples experiences. Talked to people who did it and listened to their impressions- to get a bigger picture of what this is all about. All sounded very interesting. Only issues are, to get this experience one has to go out of the USA to get their hands on Ayahuasca. You can go to Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica etc.. (although later I found out you can do ceremonies in the USA as well in Florida, California and a couple of other places)

Who has the time and money to go there I thought? A lot of people do it for the experience. It is pretty cool, you make this awesome journey to “find” yourself and do Ayahuasca with people and Shamans, guiding the ceremony. In my own case, I did not have the time or wanted that experience so I was looking and asking around how to get it here and preferably at home. That is how I found out about ceremonies being done in the USA. Still, I couldn’t get Ayahuasca. I thought that perhaps she just didn’t want to connect with me. Yet, her energy did show up to spark my interest.

While watching documentaries I kept feeling the same thing from people, they all had the same energy around them after the Ayahuasca ceremony. This is what stood out. I asked my Spirit to help me out here on how to get the experience. Instantly I heard “Why don’t you call Spirit of Ayahuasca and speak to her?.” Simple enough I thought. She is a Spirit, why can’t I talk to her?! Silly me! This is what I did next. I called Spirit of Ayahuasca and we had a conversation. This is what actually happens during these ceremonies, participants drink the ayahuasca tea and then Shamans call in the Spirit of Mother Ayahuasca. They use special songs and rituals to do that. She comes in and starts to work with each person in the way they need at the time.

When she showed up to talk to me, I felt the same energy that I noticed in all of the people in these documentaries, so it was not some kind of a trick. During our conversation, I asked her, how can I have an experience with her. She said, just go into a meditation and call me in. Then my Spirit poked me and said-told you! It’s not as hard as you think! My next plan was to do an Ayahuasca ceremony without actually drinking the tea since it was not available. Pretty cool idea I thought, no side effects, no aftershock, no DMT trips, so it is safe. You are in full control of your body, mind and can come out of the meditation on demand. Pretty safe environment if you think about it.

Although I bet it would be cool to get the physical experience actually drinking the ayahuasca tea.

I did the meditation and it was very powerful. Pretty scary at times but since I knew I am safe I let it flow until the meditation stopped. Mother Ayahuasca works with you on many levels. You can request a specific focus or just tell her to do what she thinks you need at the time. Once she is done you open your eyes, it feels like the flow is done. One time it felt like someone pulled my hand and I had to open my eyes to see if someone is there, that is how real it felt. Basically, when she is done you know it is over. When I tested this method on myself (I did 5 meditations) I showed my wife this method as well and she had her own experiences. This is definitely an interesting tool to try.

In part two I will give a step by step meditation, the way it was guided to me. If you get a pull to this, now, you have a chance to get this experience in a safe environment as well. This is what happens when you come out of a limitation box of rules and trust that you will be guided on what you need. After all, all I had to do is ask the question. Everything else showed up after it.

Part 2

Before the guided session that I did, I observed people, shamans to feel out the energies and get an overall idea of what this is all about. If you had a chance and watched a ceremony you would see how the process works. Shaman sings specific songs “Icaros” and does rituals to call in the energy of ayahuasca. In the videos, they usually show interviews. Before the ceremony and after. You could see a lot of people have expectations, which in my opinion is not a great idea since we want one thing and most of the time something else usually happens instead. We get what we need not what we want. That is why it is a good idea to have zero expectations and just let the process happen, then go from there.

While watching all of the videos about ayahuasca I felt a little uneasy as well because the Shamans were vibrating at a specific frequency that fully did not feel right. Since I am very attuned to the energy I immediately feel if someone has attachments. In this case, they were calling in specific energies to help the participants with the session. That was another conflict for me. What do I do to block myself from these energies while doing the session with ayahuasca? My Spirit suggested a great shield for this issue.

I wanted to try a full session with icaros songs. Icaros – Songs Of The Plants. The Many Functions of Icaros-Shamans believe drinking ayahuasca brew puts you in direct contact with the spiritual plane, opening you up to both good and bad spirits. Ultimately, the purpose of icaros is guidance. Shamans use the song to invoke the good spirits of plants and animals, as well as to keep the bad spirits away.

First, I wanted to try and do a session with the Icaros background music from the Shaman. I wanted to make sure my energies are blocked to those entities that she was calling in.

I did a session with the icaros and then without. My personal preference was without the background noise. It focused me much better on the visuals and feelings that were happening. Just do one with and then without to see what works better for you.

My next step was to ask my Spirit for suggestions. That is when I got the guidance on how to do this meditation and have an experience with this wise energy people call Ayahuasca. She is called by many names. Mother Ayahuasca, Grandmother etc..I call her Mother Ayahuasca.

Just FYI first experiences are not fun usually. Just go with the flow, know, you are safe in your safe space. Nothing wrong will happen since you are not actually drinking the tea. There will be no DMT trip, no side effects, you will not need to purge. In other words, this is only meditation but the connection to the energy of ayahuasca is identical to the ones in Peru.

Icaros background music if you want to try to do the session with it.

Here is the meditation as it was guided to me.
If at any moment you feel that you want to stop just open your eyes. You are in full control of your actions during this meditation. Just make sure to disconnect from the energy. Instructions are at the end of this article.

Find a quiet comfortable space and let yourself relax as deep as possible. Do the session preferably lying down.

1-You call in Prime Creator. – I call forth Prime Creator to connect to my head spread your energy down my spine into my feet.

Next step, imagine you are stepping inside Prime Creator’s energy of love. You can visualize it any way you wish it really does not matter. Example-it could be a gold bubble, red heart or just a knowing you are in there. The focus is what counts. When you step inside of Prime Creators space feel what you feel. This is a shield from entities, no one can get in there. It also raises your vibrations. Once you call in ayahuasca you are giving her permission to connect to you, no one else can get inside the shield, only energies you give permission to.

3-Call in Ayahuasca.
I call forth Mother/Grandmother Ayahuasca to fully connect to my head spread your energies down my spine into my feet, feel me with your healing energies and help me with this session. (you can set a focus, the first time I would suggest to let her do what she thinks you need) Then you give it a moment, feel what you feel. She usually starts right away. You might hear her in your thoughts as well. Just let the process happen and observe everything, knowing that you are completely safe. If you feel emotions, go with it, that is how release happens. Do not hold anything back or repress it. The whole point of the session is healing.

A session takes as much as you need. My first time was approximately an hour. If you are doing Icaros songs, time-wise it’s 1hr 40 min long.

When your session is done you thank her for helping you and give her your appreciation.

4-Next step is a disconnection from the energy of Ayahuasca.

I fully disconnect from the energy of ayahuasca, disconnect from me now, take all of your energy back into yourself, release all of my energy back to me and leave my space now. Thank you for your help. I ask Prime Creator to help me with this process. After this, you will feel normal again and back in your body. How will you know she is done? It is a very drastic feeling. You will definitely know the session is done.

You can do as many sessions as you wish. For example, I did them 5 times, every day was a new one. No limits here.

I explained everything that I was given. Now is your time to explore yourself using this interesting tool.

P.S. I was given permission to share this tool by Ayahuasca herself. Everyone deserves healing.

Connect to your Spirit


This is a fun way to explore your own self by connecting to your own Spirit.

Try it, it will help you feel out the deepest parts of who you really are.

Full Exercise:

Before you start the exercise you must do the following
Take a deep breath and say- I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head, go down my spine to the feet. Please fill me with your energy of Love now. Then you visualize going inside an elevator and go to the roof (this is how you raise your frequency, your ears might pop like on the plane) Once you are on the roof in your imagination, say, I ask my Soul to assist me with this exercise. Then proceed to the next step.

First, scan yourself. How do you feel? Notice everything that you can.

Now visualize your Spirit, just focus on that thought. It does not matter how you visualize it, could be a gold light, white light, a fire, a doll. As long as there is a concrete thought “this represents my Spirit” See it in your mind standing in front of you. Take a deep cleansing breath.

Now take that image that you just visualized and put it on yourself like a sweater. Imagine you are putting your Spirit on yourself or simply walk inside of it. Whichever is more comfortable for you to do.

Now, feel what you feel. What changed? How do you feel now? Scan your self, notice what you notice.

What are the new emotions that you feel now? Any physical changes? Describe everything that pops into your mind or any new emotions/feelings that you are experiencing.

In this space, you can ask your Spirit to show you what is important for you to know at this time. Your mind will be flooded with thoughts or images, it might be weird but you will get used to this once you practice as much as possible.

When you are done exploring your Spirit, take another deep cleansing breath and imagine you walked out of it or take it off, like a sweater. Then say I disconnect from my Spirit.

I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process. Wait a minute or so. You should be feeling like yourself again.

That is it.

This tool is very powerful and is used to help you understand your own self.

Surrender to the Prime Creator

Surrender to the Prime Creator.

I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head spread your energy down my spine into my feet.

Go into your heart and from there read:
Prime Creator, I fully surrender all of my worries, anxiety, depression, fear, confusion, negativity, conflicts. Everything that is holding me from moving forward, to you.

I accept that this was my creation. Whether I did it consciously or unconsciously it does not matter. At this moment right now, I fully surrender all of my layers of conflicts to you.

Without you Prime Creator, I am nothing. Please fill me with your love now and let me feel free.

Now, just let the process happen, see how you feel and what happens.



A lot of people struggle with this part of their healing journey. How can you forgive someone who created a negative scenario in your life? Made you cry, feel pain, anger, frustration. Some people just can’t. Did you know that when the conflict happens, especially if it is an emotional bomb, it creates an energy rift? Then, later on, it manifests as a pain in the physical body. Some people carry that pain for years.

Sure, this could be labeled as a lesson, an experience etc. Some people have very traumatic incidents and to forgive the person is unheard of. I have an exercise, which will help anyone to transform that pain. The key ingredients here is to use the help of a Prime Creator. Since The Divine Energy is not a human, which is filled with Ego and other “nice stuff”, the power and transformation of these energies are very effective. Now is a perfect time to try and use this tool. Unless you like feeling pain, stress, anger. The choice is always yours.

How to know if you are still connected to this person? Just think about them, a feeling will immediately surface. When you are still connected to this person on the level of energy, they are feeding off of you. Even if the conflict happened 30 years ago or if this person has already crossed over. You also have to realize that when conflicts happen it takes two people. For the sake of healing and releasing it, give yourself permission to end this pain. Is this really worth your pain? Yes or no, be honest with yourself.


Imagine a person who created a conflict for you, standing in front of you. Scan yourself, feel how this person is connected to you. It could be through your body or emotions. Just to understand that they are still connected to you. People never disconnect by themselves, you have to do this consciously.

Now, the two of you are standing in your imagination in front of each other. In your mind tell them, our journey is over. I will never understand why you did what you did. At this moment in my life, I choose to end this pain. Then say, I call forth Prime Creator to assist me with this process. Please connect to my head and spread your energy down my spine, into my feet. Wait a couple of seconds.

Prime Creator, I have no strength to forgive <name of the person> and need your powerful love and energy of forgiveness now. Please spread your powerful loving energy of forgiveness through me and <name the person you are healing from>. Heal and transform our relationship and the pain that was created during that time. I accept all that has happened and no longer wish to suffer because of it. Clear all of the pain, attachments, fear, anger and give me your strength to release all of the dark energy that accumulated throughout the years. I fully surrender to you, Prime Creator. Heal us now.

Let the process happen, it might take some time.

When the process is done, think about the person you just worked with and feel what has changed. If there was a pain associated with them, is it still there? Is it the same? Notice everything.

You can use this tool with anyone in your life, the process is the same. The key here is that you are not using your own ideas of forgiveness. The power of Prime Creator is something that we can’t comprehend. That is why this is so effective.

Releasing energy of your parents


A tool on how to cleanse yourself from the energy of your parents. Whether you have a good relationship or not everyone carries baggage. On a level of energy, we are like sponges. Sometimes the hardest lessons come from your mother and father. We still love them no matter what though!

Time passes and we forget hurtful labels that they expressed towards us, even if they meant well at the time. Their ideas of how our life should be. What they want for our future, having zero understanding about it on a bigger picture. All of these things are still in your energy today, you just don’t realize it.

The following tool also works if your parents are no longer alive. Remember, energy never leaves by itself, only when YOU focus on the conflict and release/heal it. If you experience emotions or anything unusual, just focus on your breathing and continue the exercise.

First, go down into your heart and from that space do the exercise.

Visualize your mother standing in front of you right now. Repeat the following, from your heart:

Dear mom, I thank you for giving birth to me, you gave me an opportunity to live and create my life. I love you very much. As of this moment please take back all of your programs. Your desires, your own visions of my future and all of your egotistical desires that you put on me consciously or unconsciously. The time has come to take everything back now. Please take all of your energy back into yourself and fully release all of my energy back that you took from me. I fully take my power back now. I ask the Prime Creator to assist me with this process on all levels of my being. Take a deep breath and thank her for the process.

Visualize your Father standing in front of you right now. Repeat the following, from your heart:

Dear father, I thank you for giving me an opportunity to live and create my life. I love you very much. As of this moment please take back all of your programs. Your desires, your own visions of my future and all of your egotistical desires that you put on me consciously or unconsciously. The time has come to take everything back. Please take all of your energy back into yourself and fully release all of my energy back that you took from me. I fully take my power back now. I ask the Prime Creator to assist me with this process on all levels of my being. Take a deep breath and thank him for the process.

Scan your physical body, emotions, your energy and notice what has changed.


Are you stuck?


Are you stuck? Struggling with an issue that is not going away? Right now is a perfect time to look at that conflict.

Warning: If this conflict was some kind of abuse you need to deal with it before you continue. This exercise is focused on the release of life issues, not deep-rooted traumas. Please work it out with a professional.

Every conflict is there for us to realize/learn through the specific experience. Everyone who is involved in this mess is there to play their part. The reason it is not going away is because we do not accept it. We struggle and fight with it. Making up stories in our minds, as to why it is not fare or why do we have to go through all of this. Why are we being punished? Aren’t we all Angels with white furry, cozy warm feathers? We are definitely here to spread love and eat cheesecake! Now, this whole conflict just pisses you off because it is not your fault that it is here in your reality. Since this is your life, you are responsible for everything that is happening in it. The good the bad and the ugly. All yours! Putting blame on yourself or others is not necessary. Realize this is the part of the game. The answers are always simple. We are just so focused on the pain that we lose control of rational thinking. Pain is a very real feeling and also the best teacher. Paradox again.

Ask yourself this question, what happens when you try to drown a ball? You push it down and it still comes up no matter how hard you push. Same with the conflicts when we try to push them aside or drown them in our memories. They will always come up. If not now, then later in life.

First, we are all creators. The specific issue in question is there to show you your strength, teach you how to work things out. It is not a random thing. The pain is just blocking this understanding. Life will continue regardless. You either continue living with this issue and keep struggling or look at it, learn from it, accept it and heal it.

Accept it. The time has come, you deserve to be free. Give yourself permission to face the conflict. It has been bothering you for a while. Does it make sense to continue struggling? I hope not.

Next step is acknowledging it.

1. You must accept that it happened.
2. Forgive yourself. At the time you reacted in the way you knew how.
3. Whoever is involved was there to assist you. Even if it was painful at the time.
4. It is not a random coincidence. This was/is a lesson/experience.
5. Is it worth getting sick because of it? Yes or No? Answer yourself truthfully.
6. Congratulations this is the first step of conscious realization. Next step is the healing and release part.

Try this exercise and see how you feel after it.
Go into your heart, take a couple of deep breaths and let it fill you up with love. Have love flowing up, down, left, right. Filling your whole body going up to the head and down the spine to your toes. Really feel it. Make it real. Focus on that love flowing through you. Are you smiling yet? Feeling warm? Now make the feeling even bigger. It’s as if you are a tall building, with each floor filled with love. Good, now sit for a moment and feel all of the sensations. From this space remember the conflict you need to resolve. This time around look at it from a side. Fully detached. It’s as if you are watching a movie. Now repeat the text below:

I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this issue. Please fill me with your love and healing energy. I accept my conflict (the one that you are working with right now) and take full responsibility for it. I appreciate all people who are involved, without them it would be hard to gain the insights and find my inner strength. Next, in your imagination hug everybody, yourself, all people who are there. Just explode with love and fill the space with that inner love that is flowing through you now.

I give myself permission to let go of the issue now, the time has come, I will no longer allow this to block me. From this moment forward and for the rest of my life. I am ready to heal now.

In your imagination see/feel how the darkness is leaving you and people who are involved. Until you will feel peaceful. I ask Prime Creator to fully disconnect me from all of the people’s energies that are connected to me. I call forth all of my energy parts that are stuck in the conflict and the people involved. Prime Creator align and transform all of my energy fields now. Center them as they are supposed to be aligned organically. Wait a little bit for the process to happen.

Then in your mind say, what was my lesson in that conflict? The answer will pop up right away. Could be a thought, a picture a feeling or an instant knowing. When you are done, in order to test out the result, think of this conflict again and see/feel what changed. Sometimes there is some debris left, just repeat the exercise again.

Congratulations! You just solved another puzzle of your life. Get yourself a treat in any form you wish.