How to recognize and heal a pattern


Each life lesson repeats itself until you understand it, accept it, heal it & release the energy. Once these things are done it instantly stops.

Patterns are there because we act, react and recreate the same thing over and over without even realizing that we are doing it. We keep stepping on the same shovel. Only when it hits our face we feel it. Simply because it hurts. If you don’t get it, a new person just shows up in your life with the same lesson. The universe is funny this way.

How many unconscious people are walking around in circles nowadays? I see a lot. We mostly blame other people and do not take responsibility for our own actions. The question is, are we ready to make a better choice this time around? Or will we continue running after our tail like a lost puppy?

In a simple form, to recognize a pattern you have to:

1. Look at your life from a side and notice what exactly repeats in the same way. It could be with different people but the situation, reaction, and emotions will be identical or pretty close to the original issue.

2. Once you find that life example, ask yourself what exactly am I doing to recreate the same result.

3. Establish how the pattern feels, what emotion is expressed.
Anger, frustration, confusion etc.

4. Now that you have identified it, the next step is to get to the first time the incident happened. This is where it has to be healed.

A simple tool that I use with this step is:

Take a deep breath, let yourself relax.

Then say the following: “I ask my Soul to help me during this exercise.”

Once you identified the pattern, imagine there is a string that is connected to your heart. It is a very long red string, which is connected to the conflict. Now in your imagination follow along with the string to the beginning of it. It will take you to the start line, symbolically speaking. Once you are there, feel it out, let the memories flood your mind. In this space, you will instantly see/remember the first time this happened. There is no need to guess, it will just appear in your mind by itself.

Observe it, notice exactly how you felt, what happened. If for some reason you are having a tough time, it is Ok. Just do it another time when you are more relaxed.

5. Accept it, this is your creation.

6. In your imagination give yourself a hug and say that you have come from the future. That this incident stops you from moving forward and enjoying your life. The person who is involved is just a messenger because of their actions you are experiencing a specific life lesson.

(*This does not mean that it is fair that they did what they did to you. Since this is a release it is beneficial to let this go unless you still want to walk in circles.)

It is time to release this burden. Imagine you are covering yourself there with a Gold bright light and see the darkness/sadness just leaves you, into this light. Focus on this image until it feels lighter, in your physical body.

Once it does, imagine that this part of you from the past stepped inside of yourself in this present moment. Then say I fully call all of my energy back into me and release all of the negative energy back into the source. I fully align with the new change now. I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this conflict, wait a minute or so. Take a deep cleansing breath and come back into yourself. Feel your body, your feet, your hands and fully be present in the now moment.

Now that you cleared it and released it, you will be able to realize the lesson. Why did it have to happen, what you had to learn from it?

To test if this issue was resolved, think of the same incident again and notice how it feels. Is it the same? Have the feelings changed? Do you feel anything different or completely new?

Congratulations! You have earned a gift. Reward yourself in any way you see fit.

This can be done with other life conflicts in the same way I gave you. Just change out the situations that you wish to work with.

Unconscious negative programming

unconscious programs

Are you still unconscious about the programming that was put there by other people? Struggling with an issue that is not going away? Right now is a perfect time to look at that conflict.

Warning: If the conflict was some kind of abuse you need to deal with it before you continue. This exercise is focused on the release of life issues, not deep-rooted traumas. Please work it out with a professional.

We live in a crazy world, people making choices based on their perceptions with unconscious filters. Throughout their lives, there were layers and layers of different programs put on them by others. Starting with our parents. That is how we live. We assume that our decisions are based on our own perception. Are they? Let’s investigate a bit deeper.

If you are over the age of 21 rest assure that half of your programming was based on other people, their desires (parents) their views (teachers, friends, TV shows). We think our world view is strictly ours because half of these programs are unconscious. They are still spinning like a software that is running on the background.

What is sadder is that a lot of these programs are negative. When a child is compared to others instead of focusing on their specific individuality and character, this virus makes one doubt, mostly for the rest of their lives. Unless this person changes this by realizing that they are unique, what their parents or maybe a teacher, a friend suggested at the time is false — negative programming. No wonder we go in circles. Without realizing that these programs were put there for us. We accepted them as our truth and don’t acknowledge this for a very long time. Simply by not being aware of it we are blaming the world, for our conflicts. It is time to take charge and responsibility for these things. Enough is enough. How long will we continue repeating these patterns?!

What I am about to suggest is a tool that will help you identify this virus. First, let’s start the energy flowing. I ask Prime Creator to fully connect to my head, spread your energy down my spine to the feet. Give it a couple of seconds.

First, you have to connect the dots consciously. Pick anything that is bothering you for a long time. A pattern or a negative thought. Once you do that next step is to find out how did it get there in the first place? Who suggested this idea? Was it a parent? Teacher? Friend? Identify this person. Keep in mind these incidents or people are there because of your specific life path. Therefore we are not blaming them for their actions. They are who they are with their own viruses and life problems. The idea here is to transform this conflict and continue moving forward without being stopped by these things.

OK, so who was it? Pinpoint the conflict/idea when it was given to you and by who?

Got it? If you can’t connect these dots yet it is perfectly fine. You can use the Red string tool to get to it.

Great! Let’s continue. Now point with your finger where in your body this thing is (you can imagine it as a brick or anything that is comfortable for you) It is also possible that this program will show itself as a specific image/feeling, once you start working with this it sometimes appears. Just try and catch it. Next step is to reach with your hand, using your imagination and take this blob out. Put it in front of you together with the person who gave this program to you.

Tell this person that you are no longer interested in this virus idea. You are taking your power back now. Do it with intent. Say it as you mean it. This image that came out with this, is it big or small? Make the image blurry, like an unfocused camera picture. Now flip the image upside down. Boooooooooom! Is it upside down? Good! Make it tiny as a dot. How does this feel? Take this little dot and move it behind you until it disappears. Once it does take a deep breath and say, phew that was quick! I no longer need to feel this crap. Realize that even though it was put there unconsciously, you still have to take full responsibility for it. Next say, knowing what I know now, I will no longer allow this or anything similar to this issue to ever happen in my life! I mean it from the bottom of my heart!

Congratulate yourself; this is a huge accomplishment.

Now let’s align energy.
I call forth all of my energy, which is stuck in the past conflict that I just worked with. Fully come back to me now into the present moment and align with the new changes.

Prime Creator, please align and center all of my energy fields around my head the way they are supposed to be organically. Please align and center all of my energy fields around my body the way they are supposed to be organically.

To check if this is all over you will need to think of this same incident again and then notice what you feel. Is the feeling still there? Does it feel different? Did anything change? There might be a possibility that there are similar incidents that are still there. You have to notice it. If it still feels that you are not done yet, repeat the exercise.

You can do this exercise with other issues, just keep searching for other programs and work through them one by one.

Disconnect from the energy of meat

I have a quick tool for you to try. We connect to everyone on the energy level even if we are not aware of it. This next tool came into my life when I was curious what else is out there I was not aware of. Since I try pretty much everything that comes my way, this next tool was very interesting. It has to do with meat that we consume.

This post is not about becoming vegan or stop eating meat by the way. I just want to share an exercise on how to release the energy of the meat you had. What you do with your diet is your own choice. It is none of my business.

Here it is:
First, we always connect to the Prime Creator energy. Go into your heart space and say-I call forth Prime Creator. I ask you to connect to my head spread your energy down my spine into my feet. Give it a moment for it to start.

Then you say as of this moment forward I fully disconnect and release the energy of all of the animals that I consumed. Thank you for giving me nourishment. Take all of your energies back into yourself. Disconnect from me now and leave my space. I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process. Then let the process happen, just notice what you notice.

A simple tool to work with an emotion


Try this, see where it takes you.
Think of an emotion that is bothering you or stopping you from moving forward. If you can’t think of one just say, Soul, please show me an emotion I should be working with now. It will instantly pop up for you.

Only this time instead of fighting with it or let fear take over. Step inside of it, see it as a bubble. Walk inside the bubble filled with the emotion you are working with. Like a curious child, feel the emotion without any judgment. Let it express itself.

It’s as if it wants your attention. Hear/feel it out. Just focus on your heart and keep breathing while the emotion is expressing itself. Expectation free, whatever happens, happens. Once it is done, say, I apologize that I did not let you come out and express yourself earlier. Please forgive me. Then say, thank you for being my teacher, I accept you as you are.

Then notice what changes after all is done.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique )

Since we are very logical beings, sometimes all the energy stuff goes above our head. I just wanted to give you a method, which is physical and also gives awesome instant results.

The method is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I personally used it a long time ago. My wife though, swears by this. Check it out, see for yourself.

This guy has a lot of videos with different issues being covered.

Healing tool

images healing

A Healing tool, using it, you can experience instant energy boost.

I am not into any Religions, just a personal choice. There are Saints that have a specific energy, which can be beneficial on your healing journey. One of them is Matrona Nikonova (Matrona of Moscow), although in a physical body her association was with the Russian Orthodox Church. Her Spirit had nothing to do with any of it. As Spirits we are not connected to any earthly limitation boxes. That is why it is a good idea to look beyond physical body and Earthly associations. The energy of that specific Spirit is very powerful.

Here is an exercise you can do to see amazing results. I personally do this from time to time as well. Everything I give here, I also use myself.

In your mind you say, Matrona please help me heal or energize me (whatever you need at the moment) Then Imagine you are putting her on yourself like a big sweater. You can visualize this as a gold color or her image, which is freely available on the internet. Once the session is done just thank her and say please disconnect from me now. You will know when it is done, the energy flow will stop.



I will show you how to heal your physical pain. Sounds interesting?

Every person from time to time has a pain. I searched for many years, on how to do simple effective healing. Tried a lot of different modalities. For example, Reiki, Matrix Energetics, Golden Ray Healing, Belvaspata, Energy transfer healing. Not one of these methods lasted. My client would feel amazing for a certain period of time and then all the pain comes back in ten days or so. Ever wonder why energy healers want you to do at least 10 sessions? In theory, it sounds good. In practice, it is another story.

This is how energy healing works-You connect to the source of energy, let’s call it a Universal or Creators energy. You send this energy to a person. Symbolically speaking the Healer is a person who is holding the flashlight. The light that is coming out of the flashlight (Universal energy) fills up the client with this amazing energy. During the process both healer and the person who is getting the treatment feel out of this world. Just imagine you are standing under warm comfortable sunlight. When the session is done the client is happy because the process feels blissful. Healer got their energy exchange, most of the time it is money. The pain lessens or sometimes goes away for a certain time. Then like I mentioned earlier, pain comes back again. There are thousands of different modalities on this planet. Each modality is financially “up there”. For instance, a 3-day workshop for Matrix Energetics will run you about $1000. That is if it’s in your area if not, you got to buy plane tickets, hotels etc..People spend a lot of money on different modalities. I know I did, but when you want to learn something you just pay in hopes it will be effective. A lot of people think all of this is a “gift”, in reality, though that’s incorrect.

In order to learn anything in this material world, you have to pay for it. Throughout the years I spend roughly about $7000 to $10000 on workshops, books, and other materials. (maybe more, I kinda lost count) End result? I found myself in the same shoes. People would feel amazing during the session but then the pain would come back. Total waste of money but a good learning experience. Alright, enough of rambling, I just wanted to give you a rough idea about this healing world, business.

A couple of years ago I finally found something that works and that is what I use in my own practice. Now I am about to show you how to do this yourself. In this method, there is no energy exchange from a healer. Instead, the person with the pain works out the issues and conflicts with the guidance of the healer. Therefore you heal yourself with the assistance of a guide. A totally different approach and results.

I am giving you this exercise in the simplest form. To quickly get the result. Obviously, there are more nuances and other details but for this specific article, this is enough information for you to try it out and see what happens.

Every pain is associated with emotion and connected to a specific Chakra. 1 through 7 (if you are using the organic chakra system already, then don’t worry about it this is just an example). You had an argument with a spouse? Pain will manifest itself around the Second Chakra. In other words, connect the pain with the Chakra disc and you will understand the pain. That is the first part. The second part is to disconnect the person from the pain by taking responsibility and acknowledging the issue.

For example, you have a pain in your knees. This is associated with Chakra 1. Next step would be to ask yourself, who is this pain connected to. In your memory search when did the pain first started, what happened. Let’ say this is a pain that is associated with your partner. You were fighting about something silly or serious and at the time a rift in energy appeared at the time of the incident. In other words, when a car gets hit there is an instant dent. Later on, you will be in pain because of that incident. In order to fix the rift in energy and make the pain go away, you have to work it out. Fix that car part, symbolically speaking. There are obviously more and deeper details but this method is the quickest way to heal the pain.

Once you get to the memory where and why the incident happened, you look at the conflict from a perspective of, I want this to be resolved. So you have to ask yourself a question. “If I would have known at the time that this fight will create a pain in the future would I still fight or let it go?” Does this person/incident worth it being in pain now? Yes or No? If the answer is no, just say, this is not worth it. Just mean what you say, do not lie to yourself. Now say, I release this incident and the persons energy that is attached to the pain now. I release the energy of the incident to be healed and transformed. Please fully detach now, take all of your energy back into yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy space now. I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process.

Scan yourself and feel what you feel. Is there still pain left? Yes or no. Pain could be less or totally gone. Just like that. Learn the lesson from it and never put yourself in this position any longer.

Placenta Imprint


I will show you a tool, which is very specific and effective. It has to do with your mother. Usually, I don’t give out “my secret” tools but today it feels right. A couple of years ago when I used this tool the effect was very interesting.

When we are a fetus, growing inside our mother we are connected to a Placenta. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby and removes waste products from the baby’s blood.

Naturally, once the baby is out so is the Placenta. Simple physiology. Have you ever thought about this subject at the level of energy? Neither did I, until I was shown an exercise which I will show you next. Try and see what happens.

There is a Placenta imprint on the energy level, therefore it is still attached to you today. Basically, it connects you with your mother and you are not aware of it consciously. Even if the parent has crossed over the energy imprint is still there. In simple words, it blocks energy flow. This tool is used to transform this block.

Scan how you feel before you do the exercise. Then scan yourself after all is done to notice what changed.

First, you go into your heart space and from there you say-I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head and spread your energy down my spine into my feet. Give it a couple of seconds. Then you say, I ask Prime Creator to fully disconnect me from the Placenta Imprint of my mother. Please fill this space with your energy of healing and love. Wait a minute or so. Notice what kind of effect you have.

I used this tool with a lot of people, some did not feel anything while doing the process but then within the following week they had energy shifts. For me, it was an instant change.

Ancestral Clearing


Scan yourself before the exercise and after to notice the changes.

Go into your heart center and read from that space:
I ask Prime Creator to fully connect to my head, spread your energy down my spine to the feet.

I call forth all of the Ancestors that I am connected with, knowingly or unknowingly on all timelines of my being. I call you here into this present moment now! Wait a couple of seconds for them to come in.

As of this moment forward I revoke all of the contracts that I created with you. I fully disconnect from all of the rituals that I did with you. By the power of a Universal Law of free will, I ask you to revoke all of these contracts and rituals immediately! This is my command! (Wait a couple of seconds as well. This is an energetic process so takes some time.)

From this moment forward I will no longer use the gifts that you gave me, please take all of them including your energy, back into yourself. In return, release back all of my energy and anything else that you took from me during the exchange. On all timelines of my being. Fully disconnect from me now and never return. I thank you for your assistance but I no longer need anything from you. Then say, I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process.

Prime Creator, please align and center all of my energy fields around my head the way they are supposed to be organically. Please align and center all of my energy fields around my body the way they are supposed to be organically. Give this process sometime for it to adjust then see/feel what happens.

Disconnecting from the Energy Healers/Modalities


When we have a session with an energy healer, who is using a healing modality we get connected to their energy fields. That means we take on ourselves all of their “stuff”. It is always a good idea to disconnect from these fields/people in order to be in your own energy space.

If you ever had a Reiki session, Acupuncture, used a Chiropractor, Massage therapy or any other modality where energy is sent to you by the healer or a practitioner had to put their hands on you, this tools is for you.

Go into your heart space and read from there.
I ask Prime Creator to connect to my head, spread your energy down my spine into my feet.

I call forth all of the Energy Healers, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists that I dealt with since birth. (give it a couple of seconds for their energy to show up) I thank you for providing me with your services and fully appreciate your assistance. As of this moment, I no longer wish to be connected to your energy fields. I fully disconnect from you now. I reject all of the energy that was connected to me through these healing modalities. From birth up until this moment right now. Take all of your energies back into yourselves, release all of my energies back to me, fully disconnect now and leave my energy bodies on all timelines of my being, immediately! This is my command! I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process. (give it some time for the energies to disconnect and adjust)

I fully disconnect from all Energy Healing Modalities, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists egregors. All practitioners and everything else on the energy level that I am not aware of that was connected to me consciously or unconsciously during these sessions. Take all of your energies back into yourselves, return all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy bodies now. On all timelines of my being, immediately! This is my command! I ask Prime Creator to assist me with this process. (give it some time for the energies to disconnect and adjust)

I ask Prime Creator to align and center all of my energy fields around my head the way they are suppose to be organically. I ask Prime Creator to align and center all of my energy fields around my body the way they are suppose to be organically. I ask Prime Creator to fully align all of my spiritual energy centers the way only you know how. Now just let the process fully adjust.

That is it! Now you should be aligned and centered and fully disconnected from the Energy Healing Modalities. This tool can be used anytime you come into contact with a healer practitioner in any way.