Crossing Over Part 2


Everyone is connected to us through the energy centers. We always exchange energy with one another. Once a person crosses over they unplug from your physical, emotional bodies. That is why there is an enormous pain. Energy no longer circulates. The shock that is happening on the emotional level is also happening energetically. This shock lasts for a while then it numbs down. It never goes away unless you heal it. In our minds, we lost the person and that’s it. Naturally, it is an unpleasant experience no matter how you look at it. Then we start to make up stories in our minds with silly thoughts of how we could have done more, etc. If we did not have an opportunity to say goodbye, we think that the person who crossed over is mad and upset. When in reality you can only do as much as you can. There is no need for them to hear or say goodbye, they just go to the next dimension and can contact you from there. The loop continues unless you break it. Guilt slowly progresses into anger. We blame the person, how and why could they do this to us? Then we blame God, why did he take the person from us? It is a very uncomfortable state of mind. In reality, no one did anything to you. A person who crossed over has their own blueprint and leaves when they are done with their journey. God does not take anyone, the evolution of the Spirit is a natural process. We come here on this Earth alone and when the time is up, leave alone. We shed our space suit and go home. Earth is a temporary playground, with lot’s of fun and not so fun experiences.

Some people do not even believe that Spirit lives on and exists in another dimension. We are so limited with our programming that at times it is scary. Many people are programmed with different programs. As I learned, belief makes no difference. Spirit lives on, whether we believe in this or not. The loved one or friends that crossed over are now behind the veil going through their own spiritual process. How can we have contact with them if they are not here as we recognize them? That is the usual question from people who are a little curious about the afterlife process. If you are one of them, keep reading!

The contact can happen instantly the only issue is us here, on this side of the veil. Since we are emotional and upset that energy blocks the contact. It’s as if you put on yourself a dark thick bag. Nothing can come through it. That is why your loved ones are trying different methods to come through. To let you know they are ok now. Since they are pure energy now, they can affect electrical devices. Phones, lights, doorbells. You have no idea how many times while I was doing a session with a person, the doorbell rang, the light flickered. Now, that does not mean if there is an issue with electricity it is always them. It is a very subtle thing, once it happens you will get either a feeling or a memory about the person. Why? Because they cover you with their energy and send those thoughts and feelings into your head. A lot of times they also like to be in your pictures. If you see an orb of light, like a shiny ball in your pictures, that be them. Search google to see what I mean. Sometimes they also use animals, they send energy to them so the animal is in your face so to say. For instance, birds, butterflies. Your dog might be going wild since they see energy. Cat’s act weird too. The same idea when this happens, you will get a memory or a feeling.

People who crossed over also come into your dreams but only when you are not upset as much as before. In the dreams, they express themselves as they would when they were alive. Some people get afraid or freak out, thinking they want YOU to come to them. No worries, you only leave this Earth when your time is up.

There is a way to communicate with them, you just need to understand the process. First, you must shield your energy. Imagine you stepped inside a gold bubble of light. This serves as protection from trickster spirits. Then you imagine that you are walking inside an elevator and going up on the roof. This is how you raise your energy. Then you call them in. Also, if you are more comfortable it can be done with a picture or just call them into meditation.

This is how this works, they speak through memories and feelings. Sometimes through thoughts. That is how I communicate with Spirit. Since it’s a little challenging to understand how the thought process works, just stick to emotions and memories. When you call them in first say: ”Please send me energy on my body so I know you are here.” I usually say to my father to send me energy on my hair, it immediately starts to tingle. I keep asking to send more energy until it literally gets itchy. You can also tell them to send energy to a specific part of your body. Basically, there is an energy shift. You might feel hot, tingly.

Once you get the connection it is time to talk. It sounds a little “out there”, only because no one teaches us how the process works. Once you are done with communication you have to disconnect. Thank them for showing up and just say “I fully disconnect now, please take all of your energy back into yourself and release all of my energy back to me. Leave my space now and go where you came from”. If you are not comfortable with this process just don’t do it. Everything is a choice in our world.

Sometimes they connect randomly to us. Out of nowhere, you will have a thought, a memory with a feeling of them. Just know they are with you at that moment, saying hello. Your loved ones see/know what’s happening in your life simply because their perception is different now. That does not mean they see you in a shower! So don’t freak out! They only see you on a spiritual level. Another cool thing is since a Spirit has no physical form they can be in many places at once. Meaning your grandmother can be with you in your car, with your mother at her job and with her husband at his house at the same time. Isn’t that cool? I think so!

Lastly, I would like to clear something up. We think that if a person is already on the other side they now can guide us or look over us. We call them our Angels etc. This is not correct. Even if they are on the other side that does not mean they are suddenly all-knowing beings. Your loved ones are still in a space of growth. Therefore when a client would ask me “What does my grandmother think about my new boyfriend?” her answer would be pretty earthly. I always suggest asking guidance from your own Spirit, since it has your blueprint and knows what kind of lessons you have to go through. At times it would be too long to explain to the client that grandma has no idea. In reality, I am asking their own Spirit for guidance.

Please also realize there is no way for them to look over you, this is our limited understanding. They do not speak to God and ask for you to win the lottery. This is all silly. Spiritual beings do not care about our earthly challenges. You might get a warning through a dream only if it is necessary on your path. It would be from your own Spirit taking a form of your loved one so you would accept it faster.

Now that you have a bigger picture, perhaps this will show you that although your loved ones are no longer in a physical body, they are still around.

In Part 3 I will describe how to heal and release the trauma of losing a loved one. Although the rift is deep there are tools to help ease this uncomfortable experience.

Part 3


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