

A lot of people struggle with this part of their healing journey. How can you forgive someone who created a negative scenario in your life? Made you cry, feel pain, anger, frustration. Some people just can’t. Did you know that when the conflict happens, especially if it is an emotional bomb, it creates an energy rift? Then, later on, it manifests as a pain in the physical body. Some people carry that pain for years.

Sure, this could be labeled as a lesson, an experience etc. Some people have very traumatic incidents and to forgive the person is unheard of. I have an exercise, which will help anyone to transform that pain. The key ingredients here is to use the help of a Prime Creator. Since The Divine Energy is not a human, which is filled with Ego and other “nice stuff”, the power and transformation of these energies are very effective. Now is a perfect time to try and use this tool. Unless you like feeling pain, stress, anger. The choice is always yours.

How to know if you are still connected to this person? Just think about them, a feeling will immediately surface. When you are still connected to this person on the level of energy, they are feeding off of you. Even if the conflict happened 30 years ago or if this person has already crossed over. You also have to realize that when conflicts happen it takes two people. For the sake of healing and releasing it, give yourself permission to end this pain. Is this really worth your pain? Yes or no, be honest with yourself.


Imagine a person who created a conflict for you, standing in front of you. Scan yourself, feel how this person is connected to you. It could be through your body or emotions. Just to understand that they are still connected to you. People never disconnect by themselves, you have to do this consciously.

Now, the two of you are standing in your imagination in front of each other. In your mind tell them, our journey is over. I will never understand why you did what you did. At this moment in my life, I choose to end this pain. Then say, I call forth Prime Creator to assist me with this process. Please connect to my head and spread your energy down my spine, into my feet. Wait a couple of seconds.

Prime Creator, I have no strength to forgive <name of the person> and need your powerful love and energy of forgiveness now. Please spread your powerful loving energy of forgiveness through me and <name the person you are healing from>. Heal and transform our relationship and the pain that was created during that time. I accept all that has happened and no longer wish to suffer because of it. Clear all of the pain, attachments, fear, anger and give me your strength to release all of the dark energy that accumulated throughout the years. I fully surrender to you, Prime Creator. Heal us now.

Let the process happen, it might take some time.

When the process is done, think about the person you just worked with and feel what has changed. If there was a pain associated with them, is it still there? Is it the same? Notice everything.

You can use this tool with anyone in your life, the process is the same. The key here is that you are not using your own ideas of forgiveness. The power of Prime Creator is something that we can’t comprehend. That is why this is so effective.

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