Ayahuasca Part

Part 1


What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a brew from the Amazon that is traditionally mixed of Chacruna(DMT) and Caapi(MAOI). Over time, people started experimenting with the ingredients and found that Mimosa(DMT) and Harmala(MAOI) is the most potent and smooth trip if used correctly. Used for over 5000 years by the shaman healers-teachers Ayahuasqueros as a way for the expansion of consciousness (Soul). And now it is used in Peru to help drug addicts and a substitute for antidepressant pills. It is also a Spiritual experience that takes you on a journey of healing, realization, and exploration of self.

The Reality of Truth (2017 Ayahuasca Documentary)
The Reality Of Truth – Full Film

*Warning* By making this post I am not advertising Ayahuasca or suggesting that this is what one needs to grow spiritually. All I am doing is describing/sharing my own experience. What you do with this information is your own choice.
Let me start by saying that I have never done any drugs or hallucinogens in my life, never smoked. I don’t judge anyone who does it, it is just my personal choice not to do it.

I heard about hallucinogens while doing research about spiritual paths. People use different kinds to dive deeper into themselves and get different experiences. It was also described in all of the books of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. (yep read those as well, don’t we all). For many years I kept going back to this idea. Until recently Ayahuasca showed up. My wife came up to me and said let’s do Ayahuasca! To which I said not my thing but that triggered something and I started to do research about it. I always do research before doing anything, knowledge is power.

On the internet there are tons of material about ayahuasca, so I watched a couple of documentaries read through personal blogs and peoples experiences. Talked to people who did it and listened to their impressions- to get a bigger picture of what this is all about. All sounded very interesting. Only issues are, to get this experience one has to go out of the USA to get their hands on Ayahuasca. You can go to Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica etc.. (although later I found out you can do ceremonies in the USA as well in Florida, California and a couple of other places)

Who has the time and money to go there I thought? A lot of people do it for the experience. It is pretty cool, you make this awesome journey to “find” yourself and do Ayahuasca with people and Shamans, guiding the ceremony. In my own case, I did not have the time or wanted that experience so I was looking and asking around how to get it here and preferably at home. That is how I found out about ceremonies being done in the USA. Still, I couldn’t get Ayahuasca. I thought that perhaps she just didn’t want to connect with me. Yet, her energy did show up to spark my interest.

While watching documentaries I kept feeling the same thing from people, they all had the same energy around them after the Ayahuasca ceremony. This is what stood out. I asked my Spirit to help me out here on how to get the experience. Instantly I heard “Why don’t you call Spirit of Ayahuasca and speak to her?.” Simple enough I thought. She is a Spirit, why can’t I talk to her?! Silly me! This is what I did next. I called Spirit of Ayahuasca and we had a conversation. This is what actually happens during these ceremonies, participants drink the ayahuasca tea and then Shamans call in the Spirit of Mother Ayahuasca. They use special songs and rituals to do that. She comes in and starts to work with each person in the way they need at the time.

When she showed up to talk to me, I felt the same energy that I noticed in all of the people in these documentaries, so it was not some kind of a trick. During our conversation, I asked her, how can I have an experience with her. She said, just go into a meditation and call me in. Then my Spirit poked me and said-told you! It’s not as hard as you think! My next plan was to do an Ayahuasca ceremony without actually drinking the tea since it was not available. Pretty cool idea I thought, no side effects, no aftershock, no DMT trips, so it is safe. You are in full control of your body, mind and can come out of the meditation on demand. Pretty safe environment if you think about it.

Although I bet it would be cool to get the physical experience actually drinking the ayahuasca tea.

I did the meditation and it was very powerful. Pretty scary at times but since I knew I am safe I let it flow until the meditation stopped. Mother Ayahuasca works with you on many levels. You can request a specific focus or just tell her to do what she thinks you need at the time. Once she is done you open your eyes, it feels like the flow is done. One time it felt like someone pulled my hand and I had to open my eyes to see if someone is there, that is how real it felt. Basically, when she is done you know it is over. When I tested this method on myself (I did 5 meditations) I showed my wife this method as well and she had her own experiences. This is definitely an interesting tool to try.

In part two I will give a step by step meditation, the way it was guided to me. If you get a pull to this, now, you have a chance to get this experience in a safe environment as well. This is what happens when you come out of a limitation box of rules and trust that you will be guided on what you need. After all, all I had to do is ask the question. Everything else showed up after it.

Part 2

Before the guided session that I did, I observed people, shamans to feel out the energies and get an overall idea of what this is all about. If you had a chance and watched a ceremony you would see how the process works. Shaman sings specific songs “Icaros” and does rituals to call in the energy of ayahuasca. In the videos, they usually show interviews. Before the ceremony and after. You could see a lot of people have expectations, which in my opinion is not a great idea since we want one thing and most of the time something else usually happens instead. We get what we need not what we want. That is why it is a good idea to have zero expectations and just let the process happen, then go from there.

While watching all of the videos about ayahuasca I felt a little uneasy as well because the Shamans were vibrating at a specific frequency that fully did not feel right. Since I am very attuned to the energy I immediately feel if someone has attachments. In this case, they were calling in specific energies to help the participants with the session. That was another conflict for me. What do I do to block myself from these energies while doing the session with ayahuasca? My Spirit suggested a great shield for this issue.

I wanted to try a full session with icaros songs. Icaros – Songs Of The Plants. The Many Functions of Icaros-Shamans believe drinking ayahuasca brew puts you in direct contact with the spiritual plane, opening you up to both good and bad spirits. Ultimately, the purpose of icaros is guidance. Shamans use the song to invoke the good spirits of plants and animals, as well as to keep the bad spirits away.

First, I wanted to try and do a session with the Icaros background music from the Shaman. I wanted to make sure my energies are blocked to those entities that she was calling in.

I did a session with the icaros and then without. My personal preference was without the background noise. It focused me much better on the visuals and feelings that were happening. Just do one with and then without to see what works better for you.

My next step was to ask my Spirit for suggestions. That is when I got the guidance on how to do this meditation and have an experience with this wise energy people call Ayahuasca. She is called by many names. Mother Ayahuasca, Grandmother etc..I call her Mother Ayahuasca.

Just FYI first experiences are not fun usually. Just go with the flow, know, you are safe in your safe space. Nothing wrong will happen since you are not actually drinking the tea. There will be no DMT trip, no side effects, you will not need to purge. In other words, this is only meditation but the connection to the energy of ayahuasca is identical to the ones in Peru.

Icaros background music if you want to try to do the session with it. https://youtu.be/BFmEReSoo5U

Here is the meditation as it was guided to me.
If at any moment you feel that you want to stop just open your eyes. You are in full control of your actions during this meditation. Just make sure to disconnect from the energy. Instructions are at the end of this article.

Find a quiet comfortable space and let yourself relax as deep as possible. Do the session preferably lying down.

1-You call in Prime Creator. – I call forth Prime Creator to connect to my head spread your energy down my spine into my feet.

Next step, imagine you are stepping inside Prime Creator’s energy of love. You can visualize it any way you wish it really does not matter. Example-it could be a gold bubble, red heart or just a knowing you are in there. The focus is what counts. When you step inside of Prime Creators space feel what you feel. This is a shield from entities, no one can get in there. It also raises your vibrations. Once you call in ayahuasca you are giving her permission to connect to you, no one else can get inside the shield, only energies you give permission to.

3-Call in Ayahuasca.
I call forth Mother/Grandmother Ayahuasca to fully connect to my head spread your energies down my spine into my feet, feel me with your healing energies and help me with this session. (you can set a focus, the first time I would suggest to let her do what she thinks you need) Then you give it a moment, feel what you feel. She usually starts right away. You might hear her in your thoughts as well. Just let the process happen and observe everything, knowing that you are completely safe. If you feel emotions, go with it, that is how release happens. Do not hold anything back or repress it. The whole point of the session is healing.

A session takes as much as you need. My first time was approximately an hour. If you are doing Icaros songs, time-wise it’s 1hr 40 min long.

When your session is done you thank her for helping you and give her your appreciation.

4-Next step is a disconnection from the energy of Ayahuasca.

I fully disconnect from the energy of ayahuasca, disconnect from me now, take all of your energy back into yourself, release all of my energy back to me and leave my space now. Thank you for your help. I ask Prime Creator to help me with this process. After this, you will feel normal again and back in your body. How will you know she is done? It is a very drastic feeling. You will definitely know the session is done.

You can do as many sessions as you wish. For example, I did them 5 times, every day was a new one. No limits here.

I explained everything that I was given. Now is your time to explore yourself using this interesting tool.

P.S. I was given permission to share this tool by Ayahuasca herself. Everyone deserves healing.

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