Chakra Clearing -(*old way if you choose so)


Try the exercise at the end of this post and then describe what happened to you in the comments. If you did not do the Connect to Prime Creator tool yet, -Please do that first.

In this tool I will show you how to clear, transform and align your Chakras. It is an important exercise because it shifts your energy into balance. Every day we come across people who attach to us energetically without our knowledge. Also, all things from your past, dwell in that space as well. Are you ready to release that burden? If so, just follow the technique down below.

Each chakra is responsible for different physical body parts and also energy, which was explained in the post “Chakras”.

Since chakra cones spin in the front (present issues) and in the back (past issues), we will clear them from both sides. Chakra #7 and #1 does not go through the body.

We will go from Chakra 7 down to Chakra 1

When the Chakras will be opening you might feel things, you might get hot, cold, goosebumps, ears might pop, suddenly the mind stops and you will hear no thoughts. In other words, there will be an energy change. Sometimes some people don’t feel anything as well, just depends on how thick they are. The process is always happening regardless of what you may or may not feel.

By freely doing the exercise, you are giving yourself permission to “flush” out all unnecessary energy.

You must say everything from the heart. In the instructions I will be saying for you to forgive people, situations, etc.., that does not mean that whatever was done to you in the past/present was deserved. Obviously, that doesn’t make it right, but since we are clearing the energy out, it is important to release the energy of it and visualize it going away. So please just repeat what you read and speak from your heart following the instructions step by step. After you are done with 1 disc wait a minute, two or as much as you feel for the process to finish. Enjoy the ride!

Exercise-Chakra opening/energy release:
Visualize you are going down the steps from your mind into your heart, walk inside the heart space and from that space start the exercise. Read the text from your heart, not your mind. It’s as if your heart is speaking now, the words come out from it. Take a deep cleansing breath and start.

Chakra 7- I ask the Prime Creator to connect to my Crown Chakra now and activate it fully. (sit for a minute or 2 and just feel/observe what is happening)

Chakra 6-Front-say: I can see the unseen world I am pure Spirit.

All people and energies that are connected to my 6th Chakra, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now. ( wait 30 sec or so for the energy to be released, do that for each Chakra)

Chakra 6-Back-say: I let go of the limitations that I have put on my Soul.

All people and energies that are connected to my 6th Chakra in the back from the past take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 5-Front-From this moment forward I speak everything that is on my mind fear free.

All people and energies that are connected to my 5th Chakra, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 5-Back-Imagine that you are inside a room with books. You can see books on the shelves, those are your life books. Imagine on the floor there is garbage everywhere, your job is to clean it and put it inside garbage bags, when you are done, throw the bags into a black hole, it will be transmuted there right away. Do this until you will clear everything and then mop the floor clean.

After this is done repeat this:
All people and energies that are connected to my 5th Chakra in the back, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 4-Front-I forgive myself for everything that I have done to myself and to all people knowingly and unknowingly throughout my life.

All people and energies that are connected to my 4th Chakra, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 4-Back-I forgive everyone from my past, all people that I came in contact with, and wish all of them, pure Divine Love.

All people and energies that are connected to my 4th Chakra in the back, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 3-Front- I am happy to be alive
All people and energies that are connected to my 3rd Chakra, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 3- Back-I release everything that is connected to my jobs and school teachers in the past.

All people and energies that are connected to my 3rd Chakra in the back, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 2-(sexual energy of creation, we create using this energy)-Front-Just imagine any sexual act and it will open up this disc.

All people and energies that are connected to my 2nd Chakra, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 2-Back-I release all of my partners from the past and forgive all of them now.

All people and energies that are connected to my 2nd Chakra in the back, take your energy back to yourself, release all of my energy back to me and fully leave my energy fields now.

Chakra 1-I am now fear free and fully connected to Earth
All of the spirits that are in my energy fields and are stuck inside/outside of my energy fields, as of this moment, I release all of your energy back to the Creator. Go up into the light, you no longer need to be here. Take all of your energy back to yourself right now, release all of my energy back to me, disconnect fully from my energy and leave immediately back to the Creator.

I ask the Prime Creator (Source) to fully open and activate all of my Spiritual Chakra’s now. Fill me with your Love, Energy, and Healing.

This concludes the Chakra clearing.

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